The Friends of the GYA is a tax-exempt charity organized in the United States. It was established to support the activities of the GYA. Specifically, the Friends of the GYA raises awareness about the GYA internationally and seeks to raise funding to support the GYA’s programs and projects.
The Friends of the Global Young Academy is a 501(c)(3) Organization recognized by the IRS with Federal Tax ID 87-3066721. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by federal law.
The GYA develops, connects and mobilizes young talent from six continents, and empowers young researchers to lead international, interdisciplinary and intergenerational dialogue. The GYA aims to elevate the voice of young scientists in evidence-informed and inclusive global, regional and national decision making.
The GYA has 200 members, comprising passionate young scientists, typically 3-10 years after their PhD, between 30 to 40 years of age, and in the early stages of their independent academic careers. Members are selected for their scientific excellence and commitment to engage with society, and serve five-year terms. The GYA also has an engaged body of 366 alumni (as of 2022) spread around the globe. Members and alumni together hail from 100 countries.
Your donation will support the important work of the GYA to provide a voice for young scientists around the world. Your donation will be used to support programs, projects, and meetings of the GYA. Priorities include supporting travel to GYA meetings by GYA members from lower income countries and the current projects of the GYA (Activities – Global Young Academy).
You can give through the donate button below, or by check. Checks should be made out to the following address:
Friends of the Global Young Academy
c/o Gregory Weiss, President
61 Whitman Ct.
Irvine, CA 92617
The Friends of the Global Young Academy is a 501(c)(3) Organization recognized by the IRS with Federal Tax ID 87-3066721. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by federal law.
If you have questions about the Friends of the GYA or would like to get in contact for a donation please use the form below.